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For us your satisfaction is of utmost importance. But at times you may not be fully satisfied with your purchases. We want you to be fully satisfied with your decision of buying products and services from. We also want to make you feel safe when you buy anything online from us. Our 15 days money back guarantee enables you to a refund if the following conditions are fulfilled: You must have bought the products directly from us Global Health Solutions You must continue the product/s for the complete duration as recommended by us. There should not be any breaks in between the usage of product. You must not use any other similar product or treatment for the same problem.

For refunds related to your claim please write to us at [email protected]. Once you apply for a refund we will contact you to settle the claim within 7 days after the request is submitted. At Global Health Solutions we believe that every human being is unique and has a unique elementary composition. So you respond differently to all the things in life. Here we want to offer you full satisfaction through our time tested and proven products. But if for any reason you are not happy with your purchase you can return all the unused / unopened containers within 15 days and get a refund. The refund will be issued only for the unused / unopened containers in their original packaging without any damage to them. The refund amount will be equal to the amount you paid for the returned containers less the shipping charges (if charged) and a 25% restocking fee. We will only issue one refund per person as if you reorder it is a sign that the product is working for you and you are happy. To get a refund please mail us at ([email protected]). You will be given a reference number which you need to write on the outside of the return package. Include all the containers inside a secure package and ship within 48 hours of receiving the reference number. Returns must be shipped through a secure parcel / courier service and must have a tracking number. Refunds will be issued only for the unopened/ unused containers less the shipping fee and a 25% restocking fee. For any clarifications you may contact us at 1800 833 0009 or write to at [email protected]